Sony Corporation
1:10 PM Posted In bank , business , companies , corporation , japanIn 1972, the company established the Sony Foundation of Science Education, which supports a Japan-US high-school-teacher exchange program. Recently, the Sony Group was divided into companies including Sony Corporation of America, Sony Pictures Entertainment, Sony Electronics, Sony Music Entertainment, Sony Computer Entertainment and Sony Online Entertainment. In April 2001, formed Sony Bank Corp, Japan's first Internet bank and the first established by a non-banking sector company.
In 2005, Welshman Howard Stringer became the first non-Japanese CEO as the company found itself with several business sections operating in the red and the brand struggling to maintain its world-leading status. Several months after his appopintment, Stringer announced a major shakeup, with 10,000 job cuts among its 150,000 employees worldwide as part of a 3-year restructuring plan. Headquarters are in Tokyo.